How's life, fellas?
Anyway this month supposed to be rain, right? but, why there's only hot, like summer never ends?? And yeah, I become darker each day.. Hiks
Talking about november, it means this year is going to end soon, yiippiiee.. And again, it means finally I can have my holiday, after waiting for a long time.. I'm so excited! Yeiii..
about november again, this month I have 3 of my friend who is going to marry. My boss, my college friend, and my ex's friend.
First, I think I won't attend my ex's friend's wedding. Since it will become weird, meet him and his friend. Also my ex said he will punch my bf in face if they meet each other, and I prefer they don't have to. But if I go without my bf, I feel uncomfortable, I'm afraid he'll angry and feel unsafe if I meet again with my bf. So it's better if I don't go.
Wedding? Married?
Yeah, I'd love to!
Now? I think I'm ready.. XD
But the fact is, wedding will spent a lot of money. Yeah, a looooootttttttt!!
So, me and my boyfriend discussed that we're not going to have a huge party, just as simple as we can. Also, I suggested 'nikah tamasya' - like after we have a lil' family and friend dining, we go to honeymoon. So the money we have been saved, we spend it for maybe, honeymoon around europe. I wish! XD
Enough about wedding, it make me feel more excited everyday, but scared of something always follow me. Scared of his family, scared if something's not going right, scared of blablabla.. Also scared of marriage itself.. I have a divorce parent, so it's kinda make me don't believe in marriage. It always can let u down, no matter how hard you try. At least, I kinda make a promise to myself, I will not become like them, at all. =p
Okay, gotta go!
cya fellas..
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