yiruma, i'm in love...

anyone out there also love Yiruma?

if you do, then click below to download his songs.
actually i uploaded them for my friends, Ika and Putri..

i know piracy is a crime, but i can't help not to download these.. lol

1. 27 may
2. destiny of love
3. love hurts
4. mika's song
5. the moment
6. when the love falls
7. kiss the rain (my fave!!)

for now, i can upload those. soon, the rest will follow on. cya..


the best reason why i love my new office... lol

THR (what should i say it in english? Bonus??)

hmm.. i guess it's so much better if i write in bahasa.. =p

*bahasa mode on*

ehh, ngomong-ngomong udah mau liburan yah. asiknyaaa.. lumayan sih, libur dari tanggal 18-28 september.
padahal dah rencanain dari jauh2 hari, lebaran ini mau maen ke singapur, hiks.. tapi berhubung doi ada kendala, jadi tiket diundur sampai maret. damn! jadi 10hr liburan bakal dihabiskan di rm deh. huhu.. (teman2, pegi yokk!!)

gak jadi deh ngerayain ultah di sing, hwoaaa.. sedih!!

ehh tapi ada gud news juga, soal pemasukan. huehe.. padahal baru jalan 4 bulan kerja, gue dah dapet thr! yeii.. dan itu pun full! gilaaa~ baek bener nih boss gue (bakal makin betah deh! lol).
tapi bukan cuma gue doank sih, anaz yg baru kerja jalan 2 bulan juga dapet full gaji! wahh~ sapa yg gak mau kerja di kantor keq gini. hehehe..

*pia meminta doa supaya semakin lancar pemasukan, dan pengeluaran tersendat!* XD

summer september for me~

hello, how's day?

anyway i've got something to tell you, my dears. something that may suprising you and yeah of course me as well. last saturday, i'd been called by my boss. thought that i made a mistake, i was pretty scary. T_T

deg.. deg.. deg..

then he asked me how's my current job, did i enjoy it?! he told me that Albert (My manager) after this holiday will be so busy, then he couldn't handle his job alone. so, I'm going to replace Mr.Albert and don't have to get in touch with any export document!! yippiiee~~

since my duty is going to increase a lot, so i will be paid more (let's pray it'll be a lot! lol)

but hell, you know that my english is so damn bad.
how bad? this bad!!

I'm trying to write in english just to practice mine, hope it'll get better. but couldn't see any different from before. My grammar still so awful, worse than awful! and also still don't have any confidence to speak in english, too scared and too shy that others will laugh at me. lollllll

oh ya, i'm going to take a conversation class, to practice more. cause my new position force me in english, both speak and listen. damn! but don't worry, i don't have to spend my own money, cause my company will pay for it! yeiiii~~~ ^0^

Ps : anyway, gotta find someone to replace my position as admin before, hmm.. anyone interested??


cap cip cup...

i'm going to buy one of these, or maybe two.. hehe
do y'all have any idea, which one should i have?
help me..

source : shuz parade (ol shop)

i love the first one, and also the third one.
arghhh!! so damn confuse!! huhu~

shoes.. shoess

and these~

which one do you prefer?

me?! all of it!! XD

headband.. headband..

adore these~

image from here!

