today's mood SUCK! damn..
it's really pissed me off..
first, i was planning to have some dimsum at taipan, but some of my friends couldn't make it.. >_<
then i went with my boo, but we prefer Ce wei or maybe Teo cheow palace since it's about 8pm already. i was too hungry to go to taipan.. but it's too late.. yes TOO LATE! dimsum at ce wei is only until 6pm, and Teo cheow 'til 3pm.. just great! argghhh..
2nd, my boo sometimes can't read my mood and the situations. grrr..
i told him, i was so hungry! yes, hungry hungry hungry..!!!
i want to find something to eat, but he can't decide what to eat. i want this, but he want that.. i always told him that i don't like junk food, anykind of junkfood! even i have to eat that, at least once a week.. i told him several times, BUT he never listen nor remember. jeez!
then another reason, i think HE NEVER BELIEVE TO WHAT I SAY.. god!!!
when i told him that we can't bring any food to 21, he keep asking me, "are u sure? i think it's okay. are u sure? are u sure?" jeez! i have to get angry to get his attentions. arggghhhh...
when we passed 21 he read the information about can't bring any food, then he says " oh that's true.. you are right." oh great!!
another one, when i was angry, he keeps joking with me. damn.. i'm angry, boo.. don't do that please. i don't like it at all.. i prefer u pay attention to what i said..
maybe it's not a big deal for u, but for me IT IS!
i need attention! i want to be heard!
i don't care if u call me a kid, but this is me, boo.. this is who i am.
i think it's not fair if only u have to change. then i try to understand u..
so we can fit for each other, and understand each other..
ps. when i ate at Hoka-hoka bento today, i ordered dumpling soup. the waiter asked me, did i want any 'daun bawang' (i don't know what it is called in english), I said yes. then she told me that they didn't have any left..
hahahaha.. then what did she ask me for?! stupid!!
my sister's keeper

yes, it's quite an old book, about a year ago i guess..
the first time i read the synopsis, i'm impressed and curious about the whole story.
the first time i read the synopsis, i'm impressed and curious about the whole story.
synopsis :
Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukimia that has plagued her since childhood.
she's beginning to question who she truly is.. and the desicion that she's made will tear her family apart and of course the sister she loves.
Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukimia that has plagued her since childhood.
she's beginning to question who she truly is.. and the desicion that she's made will tear her family apart and of course the sister she loves.
in the end, i can tell.. i hate the ending! arghhh..
My sister's keeper's such a great story, nice plot. but..jeez, why it has to be like that?!
it's freaking me out.. =_= "
why do i suddenly talk about this book?
My sister's keeper's such a great story, nice plot. but..jeez, why it has to be like that?!
it's freaking me out.. =_= "
why do i suddenly talk about this book?
I found My sister's keeper will be filmed soon.
and guess who's staring as Anna? ABIGAIL BRESLIN!
the girl who played in Nim's Island..
and guess who's staring as Anna? ABIGAIL BRESLIN!
the girl who played in Nim's Island..
can't wait for this!!!
anyone want to watch with me? lolllll
can't wait for this!!!
anyone want to watch with me? lolllll blog
welcome to my blog..
honestly this is my 2nd blog.., and from now on i'll sharing everything here..
so see u in my next post..lolllllllllll
so see u in my next post..lolllllllllll